I Heart Primary Sources

Here I attempt to honor (in a way that only the internet can) those who have contributed so much to the world and haven't been given enough credit. As I was so diligently taught, NEVER underestimate the value of a primary source. Therein lies the validation: sometimes you just can't prove that things happened any other way... And to my professors who dared to pinpoint the cardinal importance of sustained, self-conscious reflection I say: "I salute you."

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I'm an English Language teacher, but don't be fooled: speaking English isn't my only talent. I'm also interested in photography and travel, and I'm trying to learn Japanese, teach myself how to cook amazing things, and also not forget the Spanish and Italian that I studied in college...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Prove that religious texts from the Roman Empire didn't say really weird things. You can't.

"[To be wrought by the help] of a boy, with a lamp, a bowl, and a stand. I invoke thee, O Zeus, Helius, Mithra, Sarapis, unconquerable, possessor of honey, Melicertes, father of honey, abraalbabachambechi, baibeizoth, ebaibeboth, seriabeboth, amelchipsithiouthipithoio, pnoutenin, thereterou, iueueoo, aieia, eeoia, eeai, eueie, ooooo, eueouao, ai, bakaxichuch, bosepseteth, phobe, biboth, the great, great Sarapis; samasphreth, odargazas, odarmagas, odaphar, ykiaboth, ephia, zelearthar, methomeo, lamarmera, optebi, ptebi, marianou, appear and give heed to him who has manifested before fire and snow, bainphoooch, for thou art he who didst manifest light and snow, terrible-eyed-thundering-and-lightning-swift-footed one, pintouche, etomthoout, opsianaeak, arourongoa, paphtha, enosade, iae, iaoai, aoiao, oeu..."

Blogger's note: "E-I-E-I-O" is all I have to say to that. I'm also considering this text to be proof that spell-checking during this period was a pain in the you-know-what. If you know what I mean.

P.S. Wanna know something really sad? I painstakingly double-checked the spelling of every word on this post. As if that was going to make a difference.

[Source: Lewis, Naphtali and Meyer Reinhold, eds. Roman Civilization, Volume II: Selected Readings: The Empire. 3rd ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 1990. Page 532.]